Columbia Sportswear International SARL
Avenue des Morgines 12 Geneva Business Center
1213 Petit-Lancy
IDE CHE-109.327.376
VAT: BE 0634.785.915
Fiscal representative by PWC PwC Tax Consultants, Woluwe Garden/ Woluwedal 18, 1932 Sint-Stevens -Woluwe, Belgium Appointed as Belgian fiscal representative of Columbia Sportswear International SARL Application of the direct invoicing procedure - Circular letter n°4/2003
1213 Petit-Lancy
IDE CHE-109.327.376
VAT: BE 0634.785.915
Fiscal representative by PWC PwC Tax Consultants, Woluwe Garden/ Woluwedal 18, 1932 Sint-Stevens -Woluwe, Belgium Appointed as Belgian fiscal representative of Columbia Sportswear International SARL Application of the direct invoicing procedure - Circular letter n°4/2003